Some of our forms are located in our portal, MyLC , some are Microsoft Forms that require you to sign in using your LC email and password. Other forms are fillable PDFs (indicated next to the form).
HOW TO COMPLETE A FILLABLE PDF:- Click on the document, it will open in a new window.
- Fill out the form completely, except for the area designated to be completed by the department.
- Save or Print the form
- To save: download (click the download arrow) or Print to PDF (click print and change the printer to "Save as PDF"
- Email/take the form to the additional signers needed on the form, like the Department Chair, Program Coordinator, or Advisor.
- Email the completed form to or bring it by the Office of the Registrar on the 2nd floor of Banks Hall.
Complete Drop Form (Microsoft Form - Should be completed when you want to drop all classes before the start of the semester or before the end of the add/drop period in a semester)
FERPA Form (MyLC - click on Student --> FERPA Permissions --> Define New FERPA Permissions)
Graduation Petition (MyLC - click on Student --> Graduation)
Major/Minor Form (MyLC - click on Student --> Academics --> Major/Minor Form)
Request for Withdrawal Form (MyLC - Click on Student --> Registration --> Withdrawal Form. Can only be completed during the Withdrawal period each semester).
Acadeum Consortium Request (Acadeum Portal)
Transient Form (Microsoft Form)
Veteran's Affairs (VA) Benefits Certification Form (Microsoft Form)